Manifesting Harmony in your Home

A year ago, many of us thought the pandemic would be over by now, but instead, Life IS STILL very uncertain. As a collective, we have taken a mental toll, and now more than ever, it's so important to focus on what we CAN control instead of what we can not. How do we create a sense of normalcy? A sense of Harmony in our lives? Let's start with what we all CAN control- our immediate environments, our homes. Our home can be a haven, a place that encourages meaningful rituals, or it can be a source of anxiety and stress. Our homes are more than just a series of rooms. Our homes are the container of our lives, reflecting our journey and what matters to us. Rooms in our homes should tell a story, talk to each other, and have a sense of balance that flows from room to room.

Have you ever asked yourself: How do I want to feel in my space? What rituals and habits are important to me?

Our environments should speak to who we are and what we value, and each object and piece of furniture should have an intention behind it.

Don't know where to start? Here are three things to focus on:

#1: Feeling. Ask yourself how you want to feel when you are home? What does your dream home feel like? Get specific and if it helps, think of your favorite getaway spots and what you loved about them.

Next, do a visual inventory of whether your space reflects these feelings. If you like to feel calm but have an intense dark and significant piece of furniture in the middle of your living room, your brain and environment are not on the same page.

#2: Rituals. Ask yourself: What habits and rituals are important to me? What do I enjoy in the mornings? What makes me feel grounded? Next, do a visual inventory and see if any tools of your important rituals are visible. For example, if you like lemon water in the morning, do you have lemons on your counter? I want to practice yoga at home, so I like to display a yoga mat rolled up in an area where I pass every day. Through visual cues, we set ourselves up to practice what serves us.

#3 Destress Zones.

It's essential to have de-stress zones, areas in your house that are always free of clutter and make you take a giant exhale. Your bedroom, for example, should give you a sense of peace. What is calming to you? Does your bedroom feel calm to you? Try your best to establish your bedroom tech-free and communicate that this is a stress-free zone to your brain.

Now, it's your turn to give it a try. Here's to more Harmony in all of our lives.


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